
Read Through AME's Blog Posts to Get Perspective On Their Manufacturing thoughts


The Root Cause for the Industrial Skills Gap is a Matter of Interest

Jul 02, 2018

Manufacturers are joining forces with community leaders and educational institutions to provide hands-on opportunities to high school and college students in an attempt to close the gap, but robust apprenticeships are only solving part of the problem. Perhaps the root cause of the skills gap is an interest gap stemming from younger generations’ lack of interest in learning the techniques for manufacturing opportunities.


America’s Future is in Shop Class

May 07, 2018

The notion that one’s success is dependent on a college degree versus alternative forms of education that happen in shop class is only widening the manufacturing skills gap and impairing the industry’s progress nationwide.


Restoring Rockford’s Manufacturing Legacy

May 01, 2018

To restore Rockford’s manufacturing legacy, the private, public, and academic sectors need to be aligned to resolve the challenges the industry faces within the community.


A Day in the Life at AME: VP of Operations

Apr 30, 2018

Advanced Machine & Engineering’s A Day in the Life Series focuses on our uniquely diverse manufacturing family that has a customer focus and a culture of continuous learning. Meet Brad Patterson, the Chief Improvement Officer at AME.


What Manufacturers Should Consider for Long-Term Machine Tool Purchasing Decisions

Apr 23, 2018

Machine tool purchasing decisions should be a collaborative effort that focuses on the productivity goals and long-term vision of the company.


AME’s Advanced Apprenticeship Program Shapes the Future of Manufacturing

Apr 16, 2018

Advanced Machine & Engineering understands the difficulty to find skilled labor in today’s manufacturing. That is why we believe in training our own and offer a robust apprenticeship program to help shape the future of manufacturing.


AME’s Advanced Workforce Continues to Grow

Apr 13, 2018

Advanced Machine & Engineering is excited to announce the advancement and continued growth of its manufacturing family who help shape the future of the industry through their continued dedication and accomplishments.


Industrial Production Experiences Largest Gain in 4 Months

Apr 03, 2018

Demand for new business equipment increased the overall industrial output by 1.1 percent, and industrial production activity indicates sustained growth across all manufacturing sectors.


AME American Dream Inspires Rockford Youth

Mar 19, 2018

Adam Mazela, electrical controls engineer at Advanced Machine and Engineering, provides inspiration for his daughter’s essay on what the American flag means to her.


AME Sets Up the Future of Manufacturing for Success

Mar 12, 2018

With a new facility expansion, investments in new technology, and an admirable apprenticeship program, Advanced Machine & Engineering is setting up the future of manufacturing in the Rockford area for success.