Machinists are always focusing on how to improve their productivity: machining more parts at once with a faster setup. As shops continue to search for the next best workholding system, they tend to find success in extreme high-density workholding. The more parts the better, right?
High-density clamping increases production and maximizes the space on a workholding foundation. Low-profile clamps, like Mitee-Bite’s Uniforce series, provides an extreme high-density solution that allows operators to machine a higher volume of parts in each run. It also allows them the flexibility to operate other machines.
In the case of extreme high-density workholding, very little of each tombstone face is left unused. The user-friendly steel clamps are easily adjustable and can each hold two parts with equilateral clamping force. This can further reduce setup time compared to more common manual clamping systems. On a custom foundation, they can even be utilized for two different machining cycles at once. In the example pictured, a full cycle consists of 40 A-load and 40 B-load workpieces, for a total of 80 machined parts per cycle.
Overall, high-density clamps like the Uniforce series provide a low investment and high-density workholding solution. It’s no wonder that machinists looking for the best workholding solutions go for extreme high density.
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