Capitalize on lights-out automation—even when the lights are on.
Something that’s universally known: lights-out machining is a bright idea for manufacturers that prioritize efficiency.
Something that’s not universally known: automation during the day can be just as productive, if not more so. Advanced Machine & Engineering Co. (AME) and partner,Trinity Automation, are all about getting ahead of the machine tool, and our automated quick-change pallet systems are one easy way to do just that.
Get ahead, stay ahead
These fixtures don’t just let a shop run unmanned shifts overnight. They also increase productivity during daylight hours. By utilizing a machine’s entire work envelope, running multiple jobs in one cycle, and freeing up operators to do more with their operating time, products, and profits can only improve.
Trinity automated pallet systems enable day-shift operators to load parts on several fixtures while one pallet is already loaded and running inside a machine. By implementing this process, machines can continue to run for hours, stopping for only about 30 seconds while the door is open to switch out the complete parts for a new pallet system ready to take on the next job.
More time freed up to work smarter
While several jobs are running in one cycle for several hours, an operator has time to take on tasks that are difficult for a robot to complete, such as setting up complex parts and proving out parts. Setting up workholding, programming machines, and setting up three to four pallets to prepare for lights-out, high mix applications are other valuable tasks for operators who are no longer tending a machine for hours.
Although overnight jobs might run slightly slower because of their complex nature, your operating costs decrease by removing the need for an overnight operator. Also, with automated pallet systems that enable lights-out capability, profits increase because several jobs can be completed in one cycle.
Talk to AME about Trinity Automation!
To learn more about how to get ahead of the machine and stay ahead of it, check out Trinity’s models of automated pallet delivery systems for integration with many CNC machine tool sizes. From small CNC machines to two medium-sized CNC machines as well as three-, four- and five-axis machines can all benefit from these high-speed systems.
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